be used to deal damage over time to Diablo IV Gold enemies, lightning allows for extra maneuverability through a dodge, and ice deals in debuffs and cooldowns. As always, players will want to maximize their damage potential and invest in passives like Glass Cannon regardless of what elemental skills they use.

Much like the Rogue, the Sorcerer can make enemies Vulnerable, which will allow the Sorcerer to deal 20% more damage to any foe inflicted with the status effect. This can be done through the Frost Bolt ice attack, and is available through other attacks through this specific elemental tree. Additionally, Ice Blades is an incredible skill that also has a chance to make enemies Vulnerable. But where it really shines is through the Summoned Ice Blades skill, which reduces the cooldown of all of your other skills by 50% when unlocked and for every 20 seconds you have a cooldown an Ice Blade will spawn on a random enemy. This is why the ice elemental tree deserves its own build tree, due to how effective it can be.

For those looking to deal in damage over time skills, fire will be your best bet. Almost every fire-aspected skill has some kind of burning effect, even the basic Fire Bolt skill will apply Burning damage to any enemies it hits. Flame Hydras and Inferno are also incredible skills for doing both damage over time and massive area of effect damage.

Lightning, on the other hand, is more focused around dealing damage to large numbers of enemies at a time. This is arguably the most efficient elemental tree for those looking to run through dungeons or take on large swaths of enemies in World Events. Additionally, its Teleport adds an extra potential dodge while dealing damage, unlike the Rogue’s Dash. Building into the Teleport tree will also provide you with additional damage reduction as to not leave you entirely helpless to the enemies you teleport into or away from.

You can further enhance the power of your skills through the use of Aspects, passive skills that are found on gear that you can remove and reapply on cheap Diablo IV Gold  better gear. Here’s how Aspects work in Diablo 4.


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