feminicidios en el pais

Feminicidio en Morelos. Un problema de salud pública En nuestra sociedad, las mujeres somos víctimas de amenazas, agresiones, maltrato, lesiones y daños constantes. Nuestros derechos son conculcados en la vida pública y privada. La violencia contra las mujeres dejó en un año cinco mil asesinadas en toda la República Mexicana. Catorce niñas, jóvenes y adultas vieron segadas arteramente sus vidas ¡cada día! Esto es lo que se conoce como feminicidio, una tragedia que, por desgracia, poco a poco se ha ido extendiendo a lo largo y ancho de nuestro país. Las investigaciones especializadas muestran que este flagelo es nacional. En diversos estudios se revela que una de cada tres mujeres y niñas mexicanas han vivido, al menos, una experiencia de violencia de género. La encuesta nacional más reciente arrojó datos de que cinco de cada 10 mujeres han vivido experiencias de violencia de género, y que al menos dos de cada 10 reporta seguir viviéndolas. La violencia contra las mujeres, en sus diferentes tipos y modalidades (los cuales quedaron señalados en la Ley General de Acceso de las Mujeres a una Vida Libre de Violencia, aprobada en febrero de 2007, la cual fue impulsada por organizaciones feministas), al no ser atendida, conlleva impunidad social y de Estado, y ello nos coloca en riesgo e indefensión cotidianas. La falta de atención integral a la misma, por parte de las diversas instancias gubernamentales, fatalmente puede llegar hasta el feminicidio, y por ello es considerado un crimen de Estado, debido a que no se procura la vida y la seguridad de las mujeres. La cuestión de la violencia contra las mujeres se agrava porque existen otras formas de muerte violenta en niñas, jóvenes y adultas: accidentes, suicidios o “suicidios” y muertes evitables derivadas de la omisión del Estado por la inseguridad, la desatención y la exclusión del desarrollo y la democracia en que se desenvuelve la vida de las mujeres. Solamente el 3 por ciento de los crímenes denunciados por mujeres -violación, abuso sexual, acoso, robo y desapariciones- reciben algún tipo de solución. Pero la situación es aún más grave pues muchas de las mujeres, ante la visión clara de que no obtendrán justicia o la ignorancia de que dicha violencia es un delito, ni siquiera acuden a las instancias de justicia a levantar una denuncia. Es allí donde existe un claro vínculo con la problemática de violencia y la salud, ya que muchas de ellas no denuncian pero si acuden a instancias de salud. Desafortunadamente, el propio desconocimiento (por parte de las personas encargadas de la salud) de la dimensión de los hechos de violencia y la escalada en que habitualmente se desarrollan provoca dos factores importantes: El primero es que no le brindan a las mujeres la información apropiada ni la canalizan a instancias de asesoría jurídica y psicológica: el segundo, que muchos de los expedientes médicos terminan registrando, por ejemplo, “lesiones por accidentes caseros” en lugar de violencia de género en el ámbito familiar. Ello redunda tanto en una omisión del personal del sector salud, como en una problemática que se refleja en dos grandes ámbitos. Por una parte, investigaciones laborales señalan que existe una elevada estadística de ausencias laborales por lesiones de diversos grados y, por la otra, el desaprovechar la ocasión para dar atención integral sobre las lesiones, ya sean físicas o psicológicas, y promover la cultura de la prevención para nuevos hechos violentos que pueden, incluso, conducir a un aumento de la misma y concluir en el feminicidio.*Ponencia presentada en la Novena Conferencia Mundial sobre Prevención de Lesiones y Promoción de la Seguridad, en Mérida, Yucatán, el pasado viernes 21.

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  • Is it possible to study in Australia for free?

    For students who are interested in studying abroad, attending Australian universities has long been a dream. Given the volume of research outputs and the internationally regarded educational standards, they are without a doubt worth your time and money. Research says that, students generally look for pursuing higher study in Australia for free.

    However, many students who are considering studying in Australia may find the costs to be a financial barrier. Because it is expensive to study in Australia, we have provided you with a solution to your particular issue. Are you concerned about the cost of attending higher study in Australia as a dream? Your goal of studying in Australia for free can now become a reality! Learn everything there is to know about Australia's top scholarships and tuition-free institutions.

    Get appropriate answer if you wonder ‘How to study in Australia for free?’

    Value always comes with a quality education. It is not given away for free. You can, however, apply for scholarships to lighten your financial load.

    • How can I study for free in Australia?

    In order to study abroad like Australia, you must spend money. There are, however, primarily two ways to attend school in Australia for a reasonable price. The option of earning scholarships is one. Working a part-time job to pay for your education on your own is the alternative to paying for school in Australia. The list of scholarships for study in Australia is as follows:

    • Awards for Postgraduate Leadership by endeavour (Scholarship)

    The Endeavour Postgraduate Leadership Awards, sometimes known as leadership, are fully funded scholarships for postgraduate students to study in Australia for a price. for example, PhD and MA candidates. For Master's students, the scholarship is for two years, and for PhD students, it is for four. For Master's students and PhD students, the Endeavour postgraduate scholarship award is for two years and four years, respectively. In Australia, it is the most prevalent type of postgraduate scholarship.

    Eligibility requirements:

    • Must not be an Australian citizen, but a citizen of another country.
    • At the time of application, you must be at least 18 years old.
    • No other sponsored or scholarship programames in Australia may have been active at the time.

    But you must keep in mind that you need to be appeared in online exams like ielts to study in abroad. For that, taking ideas from ielts exam online coaching professionals would be a great idea.

    • Adelaide International Scholarships

    This scholarship is the only opportunity for those who want to study in Australia at the top Australian university, University of Adelaide. The grant is once more available to graduate and postdoctoral students. The fellowship is for a master's degree and lasts for two years, with an extension available for doctoral candidates.

    Eligibility requirements:

    • Must have earned a degree that is at least as good as an honours degree in Australia.
    • Doctoral students must not have any prior research experience.
    • A proof of English language proficiency was required.
    • The Scholarship is not open to residents of Australia or New Zealand.

    Given below are some additional tips that students must follow while study in Australia for free:

    • Attempt to get into cheap Australian universities

    Despite being more expensive than universities in many other nations, Australian institutions provide outstanding education. These colleges typically demand tuition fees that range from 10,000 to 40,000 USD, which is a fairly costly sum. Not all universities impose such high fees, though.

    Applying to an economical institution is another simple approach to study for free in Australia besides scholarships. Australia has many public and private universities that provide high-quality instruction at reasonable prices. Make a list of the least expensive colleges, then submit an application to the one that best fits your specialty area. You will avoid paying thousands of dollars in tuition as a result.

    If you want advice on higher studies in Australian universities, you can seek help of free SOP writing services professionals.

    • Accept part-time employment opportunities

    While studying abroad in Australia, international students might also look for part-time employment. Candidates are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week with a student visa. Students, however, can only begin working while enrolled in classes.

    Private tutor, administrative executive, bartender, and customer care executive are a few well-liked possibilities for student part-time employment. In Australia, regardless of experience or skill level, the minimum hourly salary is AUD 18.93.

    The answer to the query about international students has been demonstrated throughout this essay. However, aside Australia, there are other nations where you can study in abroad for free. If you are unable to receive a scholarship in Australia, you can still travel there to pursue higher education at a public or private university using the standard channels.

    Study in Australia | Study in Australia for Indian Students
    Study in Australia is one of the top most destination for every Indian students. Abroadvice helps you to get admission in leading Australian universi…
  • Cost of Studying in Canada for International Students

    Canada has been preferred by international students. The country promises high quality education and has lived up to the expectations of students coming from abroad. In addition, the cost of studying is comparatively lower than in other countries. But if you are willing to study in Canada after 12th, you need to consider a lot of things along with studying cost.

    The country has made its presence felt and is currently one of the most popular countries for international education. The fact that expenses are a major concern for international education cannot be denied or overlooked. You need to know the expenses before taking a step forward. Canada is home to many world-class universities and has consistently provided the best education to students.

    One of the most important reasons for such massive popularity of Canada among international students is that the country offers a quality education at affordable costs. The quality of education is at par with the major countries, but the cost is much lower than theirs. But it is necessary to dig deep into the same and understand the costs to plan things well.

    Here’s an insight into the costs of studying and others for students willing to study in Canada after 12th:

    • Tuition fee

    Tuition fees depend on your qualification and the university you choose. You need to have around CAD 13,000 to CAD 35,000 to cover this expense. It is necessary to save money for tuition fees. Canada is cheaper compared to other countries, but you need to have the minimum savings to ensure a smooth run in the country.

    The subject you choose also matters a lot when it comes to tuition fees. Humanities, education and arts courses are cheaper than medicine and engineering. It is important to make a wise decision and choose a course that can secure your future. Tuition fees for undergraduate courses will vary between $13,000 to $20,000. You can look for study-abroad consultants and get their advice to sail through the problems and make a wise decision. You can also look for Canadian scholarships to bring down the costs. Start working on yourself and prepare for the tests to get an admission to one of the popular Canadian universities.

    • Accommodation costs

    The second most important expense for international students in Canada is accommodation costs. You need to manage your finances well and save money to ensure there is no problem with accommodation. Universities in Canada mostly offer on-campus residence facilities to international students. There are many accommodation options for international students. Off-campus accommodation is also available, where you can share apartments with other international students.

    The costs vary on the type of accommodation you choose. On-campus accommodation will cost you around CAD 8,000 to CAD 10,000 annually, while shared apartments will cost you CAD 400 to CAD 700 per month. The rentals will vary from one city to another. You need to research well and find a place where the cost is affordable. Students from many countries come to Canada for their higher education. You can find people from your nation and share an apartment with them comfortably.

    • Student visa and permit

    You need to have a valid study permit and student visa to study in Canada. You can ask a study-abroad consultant for help and learn about the process of applying for a visa and getting a student permit. But you must include the cost of student visa and permit while planning your finances. The cost associated with it is approximately CAD 150. It is important to know the costs and the process of applying for one to get things done on time.

    • Living expenses

    There are a lot more expenses in addition to tuition fees, accommodation and student visa. You need to keep some money aside for grocery shopping, social activities and emergencies. You need to keep track of the expenses to avoid overspending. When you take into account various expenses, the total cost will be around CAD 15,000 for a single student. So, what you need to consider while creating a budget? Here’s a look:

    • Communication expenses: International students need to be in touch with their friends and families. You have to take into account the phone bills and data expenses while staying in Canada. It is one of the major expenses for international students.
    • Books and supplies: Textbooks and supplies can be a bit expensive. But if you opt to buy second hand books, look for digital versions or get a library membership. It will help you manage the expenses and be ready for your classes.

    Read More- GMAT registration

    • Personal expenses: In addition to the bills and other expenses, you will have some personal expenses such as laundry, toiletries, clothing, dining out, etc. These depend on the way you choose to live in the country.
    • Transport, health insurance and taxes

    Health insurance is compulsory for international students in Canada and is priced between $600 to $900 per year. Also, you must consider transportation cost and taxes during your stay in Canada. International students must take into account all these things to ensure that they do not have any problem during their stay in the country.

    International students with a Social Insurance Number (SIN) are allowed to work 20 hours per week while pursuing their courses and full-time during vacation. Your income will be taxable in Canada, and you must consider the costs while planning things. It will help you understand and create a perfect budget.

    Wrapping up,

    Studying abroad in Canada can be the best decision you ever make. But it is important to understand the costs associated with it and plan things well. You cannot ignore any of the costs and consider earning some money while studying in the country. Study-abroad consultants can be of great help with the process. Ask them to learn about the universities and the courses and get things done easily. Ensure to know all the elements affecting your education in Canada and plan things accordingly.

    Study in Canada | Study in Canada from India | Abroadvice
    Want to study in Canada? Explore top colleges, and courses to study in Canada from India. Find free counseling guidance to study in Canada with Abroa…
  • Can You Work While Studying in Canada? Here’s Your Answer!

    Studying in Canada is a dream for many! But unfortunately, many take a step back due to the excessive expenditure during the study. The country has various scholarship opportunities and education loan systems for international students, but still, the entire process can be a little over budget for some students.

    The good news for them is that there is no need to back off yet because the country brings you to work off-campus opportunities. The pennies you earn from these can then be used as per your need and requirements.

    I know you are wondering what these off-campus opportunities are! Don't worry for here I am with all the details you need.


    Which Students Can Work Off-Campus?

    Only after your study program has begun in Canada will you be able to begin working. Before you begin your studies, you cannot work. The criteria on your study permit will specify whether you are allowed to work while you are enrolled in classes. And hence you do not require a work permit if you are qualified to work off-campus.

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    Eligibility Criteria –

    If you satisfy all of these criteria, you are permitted to work off-campus without a work permit:

    • You attend a Designated Educational Institution as a full-time student.
    • You're enrolled in a secondary-level vocational training program or a post-secondary academic, vocational, or professional training program.
    • You have begun studying, your course of study which is at least six months long, and it leads to a degree or diploma.
    • You have a social insurance number.
    • If you are a part-time student at a DLI, you may only work off campus if the following conditions are met:
      • you are only enrolled part-time rather than full-time because you are in your final semester of study and do not require a full course load to complete your program;
      • you were enrolled full-time in your program in Canada up until your final semester.


    Getting a Social Insurance Number in Canada –

    A SIN is a nine-digit number that you receive from the Canadian government. One is required to work in Canada.

    You must meet one of the requirements listed on your study permit in order to apply for a SIN to work off campus:

    • If candidates satisfy the eligibility requirements set forth in paragraph R186(f), (v), or (w), they may accept employment on or off campus; if they do not, they must stop working.
    • If candidates meet the requirements listed in paragraph 186(v) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, they may work 20 hours per week off campus or full-time during regular breaks.


    What if there are no conditions mentioned in the study permit?

    There have been instances where students did not have any working conditions mentioned in their work permits. There might be several reasons for the same. In case you witness a similar fate, and if you are qualified to work off campus, you can request that certain restrictions be applied. These conditions can be added to your permit at no additional cost.

    Before you may apply for a SIN from Service Canada, you must ask for a change to your study visa.


    How Many Hours Can a Student Work Off Campus?

    During Regular Semesters –

    Twenty hours a week are the maximum you can work. As long as you continue to adhere to the terms of your study permit, you are permitted to perform more than one job to make up these hours.

    But wait!

    • If you have a abroad study permit and are enrolled full-time (or part-time during your final academic session) at a DLI and
    • Have you had your application for a study permit approved but haven't yet arrived in Canada

     you can work more than 20 hours per week off campus while classes are in session from November 15, 2022, to December 31, 2023.

    Additionally, you must meet all these criteria –

    • On or by October 7, 2022, you must make sure we receive your application for this study permit (including any extensions).
    • Your study permit must include permission to work off-campus.


    During Scheduled Breaks –

    You are permitted to work full-time if you have a scheduled break, such as the winter and summer vacations or a fall or spring reading week. You are free to work more hours or two part-time jobs that total more hours than normal.

    You must be enrolled in school full-time before and after the break to work full-time.

    You are not allowed to work during the break before your first semester of school.

    No predetermined number of hours constitutes "full-time" employment per week. However, your employer(s) must abide by all provincial regulations regarding time between shifts and overtime compensation.

    If there aren't any scheduled breaks in your program, you can only work a maximum of 20 hours per week.

    Read More- IELTS exam

    Takeaway of the Blog -  

    That was all about working off campus in Canada while you are studying there. Here have a glance at the situations in which you supposedly can't work off-campus in Canada during your course of study there –

    • According to your study permit, you are not permitted to work off campus.
    • You only enroll in general interest courses and English or French as a second language (ESL/FSL) programs while you are studying.
    • You're just taking the courses necessary to be admitted to a full-time program.

    Once you finish your study there, you can still get work opportunities only if you apply for a work permit or sign up for another eligible course at a DLI.

    Study in Canada | Study in Canada from India | Abroadvice
    Want to study in Canada? Explore top colleges, and courses to study in Canada from India. Find free counseling guidance to study in Canada with Abroa…
  • Exploring Reasons to study in Germany from India the Best Study Destination

    Students look for better prospects and scope for better education as they climb the ladder. Studying abroad is a dream for almost all students. Countries across the globe welcome international students, but Germany has outshined them in terms of providing quality and affordable education. Indian students have played a major role in boosting international education in Germany. If a student wants to study in Germany from India, there’s a lot to know before taking a step forward.

    Before moving on to the reasons Indian students have picked Germany as their preferred study-abroad destination, you must know how the country is among the most popular study-abroad destinations. As per data shared by Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), almost 330,000 international students have enrolled in German universities. Indian students form the third largest group among international students in Germany.

    Experts have projected a huge growth of Indian students in Germany in the coming years. Data has shown that the number of Indian students in Germany has risen by 30.9% from 2014-2019 and will see a rise of another 8.19% in the coming years. You might be wondering why Indian students prefer to study in Germany over other countries. The following section will answer your question and clear your doubts:

    • Lot of benefits

    You expect a lot when you decide to fly abroad to pursue higher studies. Germany fits perfectly and offers what you deserve. The country’s education system and student-friendly policies are two of the most important points that lure students to the country. The state-run universities, that are among the most prestigious universities in the world, charge nothing or close to nothing for tuition fees. A government plan introduced in 2014 abolished all tuition fees for students, both local and international. Germany has attracted international students because of such benefits and for offering world-class education.

    You can choose from a list of courses in any field and have a great future ahead. Students can look for the right course and apply to universities to start their education. You can also get practical experience while studying the lessons. It will help you face the world and be prepared to deal with complex tasks.

    Read More- GRE exam

    • Money matters

    Students have to plan things well to study abroad. One of the major points one needs to consider is finances. You cannot have a smooth run in a foreign country if you don't plan your finances well. Public universities in Germany offer free education to students, but private universities can charge between €15-30,000. You can handle this with the right scholarship from the best universities.

    The second most important thing is living expenses. You need to know how much it would cost to live in Germany. The system in Germany is different; you have to prove that you have €10,332 at your disposal every year. Monthly rent varies from €550-€1500 depending on the area, city or room type. You need to consider another €150-€350 for utilities depending on the size and city of accommodation.

    • Easy work permit

    It is necessary to look beyond your college and university degrees. Students moving to foreign countries look to stay there and work for a better future. Getting a work permit in a foreign country is an uphill task. The country has taken the initiative to attract more students and talented workers to the country. They have partnered with the EU and introduced EU Blue Card. The card is equivalent to a Permanent Resident permit and helps you work and settle in any of 26 European countries.

    Germany holds the title of being the fifth largest economy in the world and offers international students the chance to learn and enhance their skills. It helps them browse through many job opportunities after they complete their course. Studying abroad in Germany will be the best decision for Indian students. You can explore your chances and get suggestions from study abroad consultants to ease the overall process.

    There are a lot of things to consider if you are considering studying abroad. You need to know the universities and the courses offered by them and prepare yourself to get into one of the most prestigious universities in the country. It is important to understand the best ways to get admission into one of the universities and work for a better future. For students who are yet to plan things well and are in a dilemma about whether to move forward with the idea, here are some tips for international students:

    • Apply for scholarship
    • Get all documents in order
    • Adjust for inflation
    • Apply for Fachchochschulen courses if you are looking for job-oriented courses

    Now that you know why Indian students have preferred Germany, it is essential to understand the requirements to get admission to a German university. Here’s a look into the requirements for students willing to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Germany:

    • Entrance qualification
    • Transcript of grades
    • Proof of language proficiency
    • ID or valid passport copies
    • Letter of motivation (optional)

    Indian students willing to pursue a Master’s degree must share these documents:

    • Recognised Bachelor’s degree
    • Transcript of grades
    • Proof of language proficiency
    • Motivation letter
    • Important references
    • Work experiences (optional)

    It is necessary to know the correct ways to apply to universities and prepare yourself well to get admission fast. There are many study-abroad consultants that can help you overcome the problems and have a smooth admission process.

    More Info- Lor writing service

    Summing up,

    Germany is one of the best study-abroad destinations for Indian students. The country has the right resources and universities to help students get the best education. Also, the job opportunities in the country force students to come to Germany. The fees and other expenses are not much, and students can get the best education by paying less. Germany has proved to be the best country for Indian students willing to study abroad. The study abroad consultants have always asked students to look into all the details before applying to any of the German universities.

    Study in Germany | Study in Germany for Indian Students
    Want to study in Germany? know how to start the process here, Study in Germany for Indian Students is very easy now, Get in touch with our experts fo…
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