The true meaning of Christmas is within us...


A human avalanche captures a store which offers plenty of discounts during the Christmas Holidays. Our head spins around thinking about the expenses of the holidays — presents for the family, a gift for a couple, another gift for grandpa; the twists and turns that come with surviving a year filled with material things. But, are material goods the only things that matter? When do we care about ourselves?

Among this external maze of concerns, we forget to connect with whom should be our priority; someone who patiently hopes that we don’t forget about him/her — our own identity.

When you’ve grown up, Christmas becomes a time that is all about buying gifts, decorating the house, or figuring out how to pay off all the impossible debt. It’s time to go back to your childhood where everything was simpler, when you enjoyed the moment far more than the object, where you were just waiting to meet with your cousins, share and play with them.

That desire is still present in you. You need to give yourself love and attention throughout the year, but this Holiday Season is a good opportunity to remove all the illusions that you have been living with since you were young.

This is a good season to establish dialogue and connect with ourselves. Remember all the dreams you had when you were a child? When you knew who you were? Hug yourself, accept yourself, become your best friend and realize that you don’t need anything in order to be happy. Connect with nature. Live every Christmas illusion as if you were a child.

Maybe you can tell yourself: “I’m sorry for having ignored you and for believing that I depended on others (or gifts) in order to be happy. From now on, I will take care of myself.”

At those moments of connection and silence, you will realize that everything begins to make more sense. You will enjoy everything more, and all your worries, sadness, and fears will begin to heal.

Think of everything you want to let go of, physically and emotionally; what no longer works for you. This is the time for rebirth. At the moment when a concern or thought comes to your mind, you can mentally repeat, “I let go and trust.”

It also helps to mentally repeat “I love you” and “thank you” (even if you don’t feel it). Ho´oponopono is an ancestral Hawaiian technique which will help you in this inner encounter to be again who you really are. Live joyfully in the present and plan for the future with optimism.

There is a part of you which is always in tune with nature and the truth. During this Christmas Season, you can brighten the flame of joy and share it with yourself, without relying on anything or anyone outside of you.

It is in your hands to make this a wonderful and unique Christmas. Let’s use the joy and energy of this season to become reborn and free from strains, commitments, and all those things that we only do because we’re afraid of what others will say or think.

This is the time to tune in with our inner self, to ask the right questions, and listen to our true wishes and feelings. Let’s leave behind those fears and doubts that keep us stuck. During this Christmas season, let’s begin, from the heart, to be our true selves.

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